Ethics Course (Computer Science)

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A computing-centered Ethics/Professionalism course is a requirement for Computer Science majors.

Courses that fulfill this requirement aim to equip students with the necessary tools to make informed decisions about their actions as computing professionals in industry. Topics including bias, fairness, privacy, and intellectual property are explored. Moral dilemmas and real-world case studies guide discussions about the impact of computing systems on society.


Computer Science majors have multiple options available to satisfy their Ethics requirement. CS 3001 is the standard (and most widely available) course option to fulfill the requirement.

Course Description
CS 3001 Computing, Society, and Professionalism
CS 4001* Computing, Society, and Professionalism (deprecated)
CS 4873* Special Topics: Computing, Society, and Professionalism (deprecated)
CS 4002 Robots and Society
CS 4003 AI, Ethics, and Society
CS 4726 Privacy, Technology, Policy, and Law
SLS 3110 Technology and Sustainable Community Development

*CS 4863 (Computers and Society) was trialed in Fall 2019 as an alternative to CS 4001's lecture-based instructional format. The new proposed format would shorten lectures and add weekly two-hour discussion sections. This format was successful, and it is now the primary format the course is taught in.

*CS 4873 has been given a permanent course number of CS 3001 starting Spring 202 in anticipation of Ethics/Professionalism becoming a prerequisite for the Junior Design sequence.