MATH 4317 - Analysis I
MATH 4317 covers elementary real analysis, up to but not including differentiation. Specific topics include real numbers, topology of Euclidean spaces, Cauchy sequences, completeness, continuity and compactness, uniform continuity, series of functions, Fourier series.
It is a 3 credit-hour course, required for the mathematics major. It consists almost entirely of proofs.
Topic List[edit | edit source]
The topics can vary widely from one professor to another.
Professor McCuan teaches a version of the class which heavily emphasizes constructions, leading up to the construction of the real numbers. This takes up more than half of the semester.
Other professors discuss constructions summarily, for only a few weeks, before moving on to other topics.
Class Structure[edit | edit source]
For some professors, the course is a standard sequence of lecture, homework, and exam.
For others, giving class presentations of proofs is an important component.
Prerequisite Knowledge[edit | edit source]
MATH 2106 (Foundations of Mathematical Proof)
Equivalent Courses[edit | edit source]
Resources[edit | edit source]
Authors of some textbooks used in previous semesters include Gunn, Bartle, and Tao.
A Course in Real Analysis with lecture and solved exercises.