MATH 1553
From Georgia Tech Student Wiki
How it fits in the curriculum
Current Registration Info
This is a linked course with a shared test period
Unlike nearly all other linked courses, MATH 1553 denotes the section letter (eg. A) as "Studio" and the section letter-numbers (eg. A01) as "Lecture". This is likely an error, or maybe a special case resulting from the hybrid/remote class format in 2020. This causes a bug in gt-scheduler where it doesn't do the lecture-studio matching correctly, so please double check your schedule to ensure that the Studio and Lecture sections have the same letter. See: OSCAR list of all sections
Courses that give the same credit
MATH 1554, MATH 1564
Majors That Require This Class
Interactive Linear Algebra [1553]
A free online, interactive textbook made by Georgia Tech professors. It's for MATH 1553, but it covers most of the concepts for MATH 1554