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[No official Course page]

Topic List

CS 1331 basically focuses on Java Programming semantics, a very brief introduction to Data Structures & Algorithms and also looks into JavaFx basics. The course is slightly fast paced, but enough time, resources and attention is given to students who do not have a background in programming to grasp the concepts.

  1. Java Introduction
    1. Object Oriented Programming
    2. Syntax vs Semantics
    3. Interpreted vs Compiled
    4. What is a class
    6. Compilation Process
  2. Variables & Assignment
    1. Identifiers
    2. Variables
    3. Constants
    4. Literals
      • Numeric
      • Strings
  1. Expressions
    • Order of Operations
  1. Classes and Objects
    1. Encapsulation
    2. Instance Methods
    3. Overriding
    4. 'this' operator
    5. scope of variables
    6. visibility modifiers
      • public
      • private
      • protected
      • default (package private)
    1. getters and setters
    2. Constructors
      • Default Constructors
      • Creating Constructors
      • Parameterized Constructors
      • Constructor Overloading
      • Constructor Chaining
      • Copy Constructor
        1. Shallow Copy
        2. Deep Copy
    1. The Object Class
    2. Object Equality
    3. toString
    4. hashCode
  1. Command Line
    1. Command Line Output
    2. Command Line Input
  2. Program Control Flow
    • Branching
      1. Conditionals: if, else if, else ladders
      2. Logical Operations
      3. Logical Operator Precedence
      4. Ternary Operator
      5. Switch
    • Iteration
      1. for Loop
      2. while Loop
      3. Continue and Break
      4. do-while loop
  1. Packages and Built In Classes
    1. Random Class
    2. Math Operations
  2. Enumerations
  3. static
    • methods
    • variables
  1. Arrays
    1. 1 Dimensional
    2. 2 Dimensional
    3. Multi Dimensional
  2. Checkstyle / Coding Conventions
  3. null reference
  4. Wrapper Classes
  5. Abstract Classes and Interfaces
    1. Heirarchies
    2. Polymorphism & Dynamic Binding
    3. Comparable
  6. Exceptions and Error Handling
  7. File I/O
  8. Generics
  9. ArrayLists
  10. Asymptotics and Big-O
  11. Searching and Sorting
  12. Recursion
  13. JavaFX
    1. Concepts, Graphics and Shapes
    2. Event Driven Programming
    3. Layout
    4. Mouse & Key Events
    5. GUI Controls
    6. ADTs
      • Sets
      • Java Collections
      • Hashing
      • Lists, Linked Lists
      • Iterable/ Iterators
  1. Class Design and Interaction
  2. Software Design & Development [Optional]
  3. Testing, Debugging and IDEs
  4. JavaDocs & Creating your own packages

How it fits in the curriculum

The course not only touches upon the Java Programming language (3rd most popular according to Stack Overflow), but also introduces many fundamental programming concepts that are universal for any programming language. The course also focuses on Object Oriented Design and JavaFX, which will be emphasized in CS 2340, and also touches ADTs, and Searching & Sorting, which will be built on in CS 1332.

Most future CS courses have 1331 as either a direct or indirect prerequisite.